ATFA Continuing Education Requirements

Individuals must complete 45 hours* of approved continuing education every three years in order to maintain ATFA certification. The required core disciplines for CE credit are as follows:

  • Fiduciary and Trust activities
  • Financial planning
  • Tax law and planning
  • Investment management

Attending the Trust Advisors Forum in Pinehurst every year will meet all ATFA continuing education requirements. 

Individuals who attend the conference annually and provide their ATFA Certification number upon registration do not need to submit a Continuing Education form. 

If individuals attend Continuing Education programs other than the Trust Advisors Forum, proof of attendance and required documentation can be submitted as attended or as a single submission to Campbell University, along with the ATFA Continuing Education form, within the three-year period.

Failure to meet the continuing education requirements will result in loss of the certification and the need to resubmit as well to pay an additional application fee and any annual renewal fees for the lapsed period in order to be recertified for ATFA purposes.

*For calculation purposes, one hour equals 60 minutes.


If you have any questions, please email