Truist Business Scholars Program

image of business fellows and leaders

Truist Business Scholars Program

“The Business Scholars Program has been an extremely invaluable experience that has helped me develop a deep passion for learning.”

William “Sam” Godwin

About the Truist Business Scholars Program

The Truist Business Scholars Program is a cohort-based, four-year program limited to 20 incoming first-year students majoring in a business discipline. These students will have a unique experience during their time at Campbell University and the Lundy-Fetterman School of Business, including an enriched academic experience, a $1,000 scholarship award, and the opportunity to engage with faculty and fellow students in various activities outside of the classroom.

Build leadership skills.
Develop life-long friendships.

The goal of the Truist Business Scholars Program is to provide students like you the unique opportunity to build leadership skills, and to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills as you prepare for your business career. As a member of a cohort, you will have common experiences, a sense of purpose, and develop life-long friendships.


What You'll Experience as a Scholar

Over your next four years you will be involved in:

  • Kick-off Leadership Retreat
  • Courses designed for your Business Scholars cohort
  • Freshman Fall Trip & Sophomore Spring Trip
  • Research opportunities
  • Reading groups and discussion colloquiums
  • An individualized four-year development plan
  • Spring service opportunity
  • Alumni networking
  • Internship and career preparation
  • Road trips to HQ Raleigh, local companies, and other corporation
image of business fellows

Contact Us

For more information about the Truist Business Scholars  Program, contact Dr. David Baglia at